Wednesday, 26 May 2010

I’m a ridiculous person

One of the reasons I started to really like Jeff Buckley is that one of his live recordings, having played a small set of random noises (helpfully a lyrics page types these out as: ‘Hallah hallah hallah ouh !’ – this annoyed me as it made it seem less spontaneous. Silly people who write down his every movement...) he seems to lean towards the microphone, and confides in his audience ‘I’m a ridiculous person, and you’re lucky you’ve paid no money to see me’.

That’s how I mostly feel. And the way he pronounces ‘no money’ just makes me feel happy about the world. Song for today = So Real by Jeff Buckley. Anyway. Last night, I got home and, slightly tipsy from lots of jack of the daniels variety, I stumbled around my room silently yelling white stripes songs (yesterday’s song would have to be ‘fell in love with a girl’ by The White Stripes’). I’m not sure why. It seemed like the antithesis of the relatively relaxed happy time I’d been having. I just can’t take myself seriously enough to do something normal like go sleep. With the result that one of my eyes looks like the ood eyes when they go angry and evil.

And then this morning I’d forgotten to set my alarm clock and the headmaster was standing outside my classroom and I was like HI HOW ARE YOU.

He smiled vaguely and said good morning. Once when I, in similarly panic stricken mode, said HAI at him he answered HAI back in almost the same tone and everyone looked at us like we were loons. I wasn’t sure if he was vaguely mocking me or just absorbing some me or whether actually me and this posh gentle old guy were actually twins separated at birth.

At what point do I realise that I need to build a small shelter, fill it with dark chocolate and whiskey, but NOT COFFEE, and hide in an inebriated state there for the rest of my existence, which, with only those two things as sustenance, will probably not be long?

Kissing on the beach is... nice. BON JOURNO.

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