Sunday, 6 June 2010

you made me feel mad.

I’m determined not to do the failtard thing anymore. not that makes a difference. I shouldn't be judging other people's failtardness because I’ve managed to muck stuff up before and I probably will again, but some things can only be bad. And that's one of them. Not that I really know if that's happened. What were you thinking? What are you thinking? How can either of you think that that is right? Have I affected the situation? Is there any way, any way at all that I can help? Probably not it's nothing to do with me. I can only think in terms of what I know though and what I know happens to be stored in my mind, mostly, so it does come out with a large helping of me and my thoughts and attempts dolloped on.

Sitting amongst some reeds I thought about silence and speech. so many thoughts and sometimes, pretty rarely, I manage not to say all of them straight out. Lying on library floors. Sliding across busses. Thinking that when I leave I will immerse myself in words.

I wrote back.

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