Tuesday 21 December 2010

Man On Train Comments On Tweed

Let's be honest, I spotted him getting on the train with a tandem and ran down the train to be in his carriage. Hauling the super heavy suitcase and various random bags, including the slightly horrific leather backpack. Find myself walking past him, looking at the available seats, trying to find one big enough for me and my bag. This started out as a pretence to be near him, and turned slightly urgent as the train started moving and the seats were too close together to fit the suitcase in with me next to it.

Then, OH GOD HE SPEAKS, 'Is that tweed?'

I turn to look at him. He has big soft dark eyes, dark hair with a hat, looks to be mid-twenties, a big scarf and then dark clothes. I'm going gooey chatting about how I found my coat in the attic. Who knows where the thing actually came from, it really just appeared in my life (heh at a key moment but shush that's only if you've been following carefully), but that's almost stranger than the idea of it appearing in an attic. I sit far from him but he keeps talking so I move to sit opposite him. It's a little awkwarder than I'd expected, because the seats are all so close together. Old fashioned trains on little used lines, the petite style of transport.

He's a teacher. I give up on allure at this point. He did philosophy at Kings college london, now teaches RE and history at a pretty ordinary high school in kent where the kids tease him for his brick of a phone (we compare phones, mine's worse, of course). I tell him my usual things. He likes Hume. He used to ride his tandem bike with his ex girlfriend (he gives me a look here, like he's putting the ex bit in so that I can hear it, totally my own interpretation there but HEY I LIKE IT).

We talk the whole journey til I'm surprised by the end of it. I make the mistake of voicing that surprise, so he's like, oh it was the good company, and leaps up to grab his tandem. Off the train, he says it was nice to talk. HE LIVES IN NEWBURY. HE ENDS UP AT THE SNOOTY FOX AFTER NIGHTS OUT IN NEWBURY. he told me the name of the road he lives on but I've forgotten it. He likes dubstep and post-rock, but he knew about Hop Farm.

Can I marry him now please.

When I was waiting for my mom to pick me up and he'd left an alright guy tried to talk to me but my mom pulled up at that moment. That made me laugh. Have I got more attractive or am I obviously all for free love or are there more desperate guys around Newbury than one would normally expect? And also, no one could top the teacher on the tandem. Going to walk around Newbury with binoculars looking for tandems.

And my mom just came in and told me I have to get onto their sleeping patterns. Fucking miss university freedom already.

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